Gordon Wyant's Plan for More Police and Safe Streets

Together, we’ll tackle the root causes of crime through prevention, intervention, and coordinated efforts.

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When it comes to crime, Saskatoon is broken. Our streets are worse than ever. People don’t want to be downtown at all. Many residents simply don’t feel safe. You can't have wellbeing without safety. It’s time for a change, and as a former cabinet minister with a track record of getting things done, I am committed to working closely with the provincial and federal governments, community organizations, and the social sector.

Together, we’ll tackle the root causes of crime through prevention, intervention, and coordinated efforts. It’s time for empathy and accountability. We’ll balance enforcement with support, ensuring that resources are used effectively and transparently.

We need to get back to basics. On my watch, we’ll stop talking about how bad crime is and do something about it.

Here’s what I’ll do as Mayor to Create Safe Streets:

  1. Relocate Fairhaven Shelter: upon being sworn in, I'll introduce a motion to relocate the shelter. I will engage with the provincial government, City Council, Chief Arcand, and community stakeholders to find a new location that better serves the needs of the community without negatively impacting residential neighborhoods, and where there will be access to services.
  2. Review Shelter Decisions: I’ll call for a review of how the current shelter locations were chosen, ensuring we don’t repeat the same mistakes and that future decisions respect zoning bylaws and community needs.
  3. More Police, Better Resources: We need a police force that can keep up with crime; we’re far behind many other major cities in our police to population ratio. I will work with the Police Chief and the Board of Police Commissioners to ensure we have the necessary staff, including more officers and Alternative Resource Officers. I will also work with Council to find efficiencies at City Hall to better support our police without increasing taxes.
  4. Decentralize Policing: I will support the creation of police precincts on both the west and east sides of Saskatoon, and as needed in other communities, to ensure faster response times and greater community safety. We will also work to ensure that the police have the operational flexibility to do their job effectively.
  5. Advocate for Greater Support for Social Services and Mental Health: Drawing from successful models like the PACT teams in Saskatoon, I will engage the province to enhance support for those facing addiction and mental health challenges. This isn’t about arresting our way out of problems; it’s about ensuring our police can focus on urgent matters while connecting vulnerable individuals with the services they need.
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